Breaking All the Rules

When we didn’t get a glimpse of Oden by the end of Chapter 959, I knew that meant Oda-sensei had a killer idea for his reveal and he did not disappoint! The cremation of a body in modern Japan is a very private immediate-family ceremony and so see Oden eating...well…oden on top of a man being cremated is nothing short of jaw-droppingly audacious.
But thinking back on his classic role-model characters, we shouldn’t be surprised. Almost every role-model in One Piece’s flashback stories appears to have a side of them that defies social norms of modern society via bold and uncompromising character traits.

A pirate throws his arm away to rescue a child.

A former Marine uses her body to manipulate men.

A man leaves his family to do live a life of freedom.

A grizzled pirate eats his leg -his namesake- to save a boy.

A thief endangers the lives of humans in attempts to save them.

A Marine betrays duty for what he believes is right.

An otherwise jolly shipbuilder physically assaults his own ‘family’ member.

A queen goes on a drunken tirade against the people she represents.
The only odd ones out are Brook -who was already an adult in his flashback- and perhaps most glaringly, Zoro. We don’t know about Brook’s childhood in a ‘certain’ kingdom and perhaps the impetus for Zoro to join the Isshin Dojo in the first place is linked to a certain unconventional role-model!
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Weekly Shonen Jump #48 Ch.960
One Piece Vol.1 Ch.1
One Piece Vol.5 Ch.41
One Piece Vol.7 Ch.58
One Piece Vol.9 Ch.77
One Piece Vol.16 Ch.141
One Piece Vol.37 Ch.356
One Piece Vol.41 Ch.397
One Piece Vol.63 Ch.624
Is that…

Wait just a darn second… Is… Is that Wadou Ichimonji?? Th-that would mean Denjiro is…!!!
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Weekly Shonen Jump #48 Ch.960
Weekly Shonen Jump #49 Ch.961