Mr. Largecranium

Have you noticed that Orochi isn’t the only character we’ve seen with a grossly oversized head? There were plenty of these individuals on Tottland and Tanaka from FILM GOLD also displayed uncharacteristically large heads. Actually, there are also abnormally large citizens of Wano like Okiku and Kinnemon. What’s up with that?

Are the genes of large (but not giant) individuals we’ve seen in the series based in Wano? Or better yet, the ancient so-called ‘giant country’? Maybe that’s where the people of Wano get their genes from. I wonder if it has anything to do with IMU’s giant hat…
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Weekly Shonen Jump #45 Ch.958
One Piece Vol.41 Ch.395
One Piece Vol.82 Ch.827
The ‘King’ of Beasts VS ‘The’ King of Beasts

One of Luffy’s artistic themes throughout almost half of the series and supplemental illustrations & collections is the importance of ‘lions’. Originally, Luffy wanted a lion statue for Merry and ended up with an actual lion figurehead on Sunny. Canon and non-canon Gear Fourth attacks are called ‘Leo’ for ‘lion’ and the first Colorwalk art collection to bear an animal name was also LION.

This chapter is the latest incarnation of the trend with a stylized lion on Luffy’s kabuto!
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Weekly Shonen Jump #47 Ch.959
One Piece Vol.32 Ch.302