My Two Dads

Sanji’s reaction to receiving the raid suit hits the mark. He shouldn’t be immediately open to relying on science after working so hard to better himself as a normal human and I’m glad that he rejects the thought of using the device.
On the other hand, Luffy’s *passionate* interest in the device fits his character and Oda’s justification for the interest (that science is born of humanity) seems to lighten the blow of the crew holding on to such a device for later use.

And make no mistake, as the last character we’ve seen holding the device is Luffy, so long as he doesn’t lose it, it will come back into play.
I wonder though, do raid suits respond to genetic coding? If not, it’s possible that even Luffy himself could don the suit someday!

The other important Vinsmoke tidbit here, is that not only has Sanji’s poster reverted to a ‘Dead or Alive’, but the addition of his legal family name. *Again* Sanji reacts exactly as he should. At this stage of the story, regardless of how Germa 66 assisted them, Sanji should still feel that his true *father* is Zeff.
However, somewhere down the (grand) line, we’ll find that Sanji will come to terms with his family. As of Chapter 904, we know that Germa has been removed from the World Government, but wouldn’t it be interesting if they made a triumphant return under a new king who can lead them in the right direction? The consequences of this for events after the series finale could be very interesting indeed!
Montd’Or the Soothsayer

He called it folks! Montd’Or said in Chapter 896 that the Strawhats’ heads would be in the morning paper and, well, there they are!
The Rocky Port Incident

This sound familiar? It should! This was the same incident during which Law stole 100 pirate hearts and secured himself a position as one of the Seven Warlords.
It stands that just as pirates have their own hero during this incident, Law, common citizens hold Marines like Coby in high esteem.

This reminds me of Tonjitt’s reaction when Luffy tried to express his panic that Kuzan was a Marine. Marines are, to the vast majority of people in the world, heroes! Our view is kind of skewed, huh? ^o^
The Untouchables

It’s a small detail but a reassuring one to be certain. Notice the barely visible cloud in the sky here in Bege’s panel. It’s a normal cloud, not one made of candy, which suggests that the Firetank Pirates managed to make it to safety! Until we meet again Bege!

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Weekly Shonen Jump #14 Ch.896
Weekly Shonen Jump #23 Ch.903
One Piece Vol.16 Ch.142
One Piece Vol.34 Ch.319
One Piece Vol.46 Ch.442
You say you want a revolution♪

And here it is! The signs of a revolution directly influenced by Dragon’s Revolution Army.

Our first signs of this type of revolt was back in East Blue when Nami read the report of a coup d’état in Vira. Sadly, even referencing Noland’s mention of Vira in his journal, it’s difficult to gauge exactly where Vira is in the world so it’s difficult to guess which of the four commanders may have been responsible for the coup in Vira.

Aha! So this guy is the source of the mysterious crows Sabo was seen riding out of Dressrosa. Naturally we don’t have any firm grip on how his power works but what a great design!

Kinda sad that he doesn’t seem to have okama fanboys like Betty and Morley ^o^

Wondering why Betty is dressed…erm perhaps it’s more accurate to say *not* dressed? Simple! She’s a symbol of FREEDOM! DO-N!!!
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Weekly Shonen Jump # Ch.904
One Piece Vol.11 Ch.96
One Piece Vol.79 Ch.794
Sanji’s Last Chance

Downtime with the characters helps us get to know them better than we already do and seeing that Bege has a full Sora-bot cosplay in his wardrobe paints a vivid picture of his crew as softies under their wiseguy exteriors.
The best original ‘downtime’ scene in this episode goes, without question, to Nami and Sanji’s hallway encounter.

I am *shocked* that this important scene was added to the anime without a comic counterpart. It adds much-needed closure to their last encounter on the field but does this mean we won’t see Nami set Sanji straighten things out in the comic?

For now I’m just glad that Nami delivered an ultimatum after which we finally got to hear an old-fashioned, “Nami-swan!”
Oven Door Policy

I’m loving this theme of Mom’s big gun triplets rocking up to Whole Cake Chateau and not needing assistance with the door. First Katakuri knew it would open, then Daifuku opened it with a mysterious force and now Oven walks right through it!? Since this was the last of the triplets I don’t know if we’ll see anybody else entering this way but I kind of hope we do!
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TV Anime #827
Be Our Guests!

Shadowy figures approach Whole Cake Chateau as the Tea Party’s VIP guests arrive.

While shown in much greater detail here, it’s interesting to note that in Chapter 857 and Episode 826, some rough early designs of the VIP guests as depicted by Jinbei’s description can clearly be seen here, particularly that scythe-wielding fellow!

Also of note, although very difficult to see, some of the VIP guest boats appear to have figureheads which might just resemble their owners! Maybe we can see the full designs someday!
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One Piece Vol.85 Ch.857
TV Anime #828