Sanji is Cool

Oooh SNAP! Sanji gave Judge a taste of his own medicine! This was an excellent reversal of the events of Chapter 841. The best part is, I don’t think Sanji’s done with pulverizing what’s left of Judge’s pride.

Sanji will have successfully destroyed what’s left of Judge’s core beliefs when and only when, he shows the Vinsmokes the power of food.

Sanji can show Judge his physical strength or cut his family ties, but when he shows Judge that is father actually held his son back from being more powerful than haxor science, Judge will be begging Sanji to be able to call him a Vinsmoke.

And how about Sanji leaving Bege with Luffy! Isn’t that great? Luffy ignoring sound advice isn’t anything new but for *SANJI* to put himself in danger like that? And to help defend the family he just disowned? WHEW! That’s heroic! He’s had his up and his downs but we can all agree that Sanji is indeed *very* cool.
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Weekly Shonen Jump #31 Ch.870
One Piece Vol.84 Ch.839 & Ch.841
This jam-packed episode had enough juicy details to call for my special extended anime edition ‘MEGA DELU.X.E’! As usual we’ll look at three parts of this episode that caught my attention!
1. Map of Tottoland

Dressrosa’s anime map helped fill in some blanks with regard to towns and locations. Now, in Tottoland, the animation team doesn’t disappoint and delivers with an easy-to-read map that includes exaggerated depictions of islands and towns we might not even have gotten a glimpse of in the comic!
2. Opening Credits!
This week’s opening credits revealed a few interesting tidbits about Big Mom and some of Tottoland’s colorful cast.

Note that Napoleon, Zeus and Prometheus all share the same voice actor, Yu Mizushima-san. These three characters all being voiced by one person should turn on a lightbulb in fans who follow along with the comic. For those who’re anime-only fans, just keep this detail in mind as it’s actually a clever allusion to something that will pop up later on!
3. The Centipedes
Our last detail for Episode 788 is the appearance of the giant centipedes!

Followers of the comic will remember that when the Giant Centipede first appeared I drew comparisons between it and the King Sea Centipede; a mammoth-sized creepy crawler which Oda-sensei designed for Strong World.

Well, the comparisons seems to have been less than a coincidence. While only the anterior of the beast was visible in the comic, the anime shows us the creature’s posterior end as well and its tail and is identical to the King Sea Centipede’s tail!

The commotion caused by the scuffle with the Giant Centipede catches the attention of an even bigger threat!

A very similar but significantly larger Giant Centipede! What do you think the difference in size can be attributed to? Is it a difference of gender? Or is it an entirely different variant of centipede!? If it’s a variant of Giant Centipede my guess would be its name is Super Giant Centipede but that’s something we’ll just have to ponder for now.
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TV Anime #788
Fruity Sushi
As many manga fans hoped, the Sanji Recovery Team’s adventures in the sea of Tottoland are being expanded upon! This week saw us visiting a Mixed Juice Current where the team encountered three species of ‘fruit anglerfish’.

Real anglerfish attract curious deep-sea prey with a luminescent dangling forelock but these variants use their entire fruit-shaped bodies to attract hungry seafarers. The guts, despite being fish, at the very least taste like their real fruit counterparts.

Despite this Nami didn’t seem to be very receptive.

Not a fan of sushi I guess, huh? ^o^
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TV Anime #789